milan skyscrapers

Milan is the Italian city that has grown more vertically through the construction of skyscrapers. Currently, there are 25 completed and under construction buildings that stand at least 100 mt.. My favourite ones are the Unicredit tower, in the Porta Nuova district, and the Isozaki and Hadid towers, in the citylife district. These latter are also called “il dritto” (the straight) and “lo storto” (the awry). I am showing some pictures I have taken in the last few days. The Unicredit Tower is seen with the famous “bosco verticale” building in the beautiful frame of the new garden area built up around the “biblioteca degli alberi” (trees library). November sky in Milan is typically grey-white and looks homogeneous, not the best sky for a picture, but there are nice autumn colours on the leafs of trees and in the few flowers on the ground.

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Porta Nuova district

The newest and most innovative district of Milano with some images of its construction

This is the newest and most innovative area of Milano. It includes several high rise buildings, cultural centres, and prominent shopping malls. It is the site of financial activity, new architecture, art exhibitions, and many important cultural events. Uncredit Tower, the tallest building in Italy, dominates Piazza Gae Aulenti which is the core of the District.